Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Tall Ones

The Tall Ones and I went out on the lake for a couple of hours the other afternoon, and while I didn't get any Chance-of-a-Lifetime photos of bald eagles, I did get some pretty good shots of the boys while wakeboarding. Here's a sampling...

Here's Cole, aka Captain Smartypants

We like to call him Captain Smartypants because he thinks he knows everything. But then, don't all 17-year-olds?

Here's Daniel...the Large Child.

"Oooohhh, what happened to my head?!"

Uh oh, this can't be good!

"Ooohh, what happened to my body?!"

Here they are together, acting like they like each other.

How did I end up with such handsome boys?

And for my final parting shot, the ever-awesome and majestic Mt. Rainier.

I love living in the Pacific NW!!

1 comment:

Liz Harrell said...

You truly live in a beautiful place!