Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Mt. Rainier shots

The Tall Ones and I went out to the lake again today, and since I'm taking this cool online photography course, I took my camera so I could play with my ISO settings and (hopefully) get some great shots of the mountain. So let me know, which one do you like best?

The shot is the same, just the settings are different. There's a subtle difference in exposures. Can you tell? Does it make a difference? Let me know what you think!


Liz Harrell said...

Hmm... I think I like the 4th one the best. Thanks for your comment on my pink bathroom, I appreciate it!

Anonymous said...

Jennifer, I am constantly amazed by you & all your creative talents!! A chicken coop - of all things - but you did a great job!!! I wish I had your creative mind.

On your Mt. rainier shots - liked the 2nd from bottom. The 2nd from top wasn't bad for the darker look.

Tip: Always, always have your camera with you!!!

Miss you. Keep having fun!!
